Soft Touches on Mars Birth Astronauts


Photo by Elia Pellegrini on Unsplash

Raise me under gentle lights
show me the colors of the midnight sky

Touches of honey
candlelight dinner
a new song on the radio
let’s dance like beginners

I am scared to speak yet I watch you

Cry and laugh with me
tell me tears have no gender

Fogged forests hurt and curse
I don’t want to hear about witches
or men in stitches

Hold me with tenderness
expand my life

I am so interested in stars
with love grows a passionate astronaut
I am enough
I am unique, he, him, I am magique.

Dedicated to a young man that trusted me to document the horrific homophobic attack he went through. Dedicated to all beautiful, real men.



La Chrysanthème

Mon dieu. She is a sensitive writer that listens to classical music and sends angry letters.